Katie is committed to exploring ways of being that bring us in closer relationship with nature in ourselves and all around us. Over the last three years, she has apprenticed with Damaris Chrystal Shamanic Healing Arts, tying shamanic practice into her work with the land and embarking on a process of personal growth and change. She is a social science researcher, community organizer, permaculture/ecological designer, facilitator, and teacher. Katie is a part of Kindred Roots Design, a consulting business that focuses on ecological and social design for sustainable land-based projects. She is also currently a Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation at Virginia Tech, where she is studying forest food and medicine as a livelihood and conservation opportunity in Appalachia. In her downtime she co-leads a community singing circle, bringing people together across all experience levels to sing improvised songs, rounds, chants, and more. All these threads tie into her vision of a world where humans are re-woven into the web of life and everyone knows their song.